Millicent Name Meaning : Derived from the obsolete old high german amalswinth, a compound name composed of the elements amal (work) and swinth (strength).
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Millicent Meaning Origin And History Of The Name Millicent - Meaning of the name millicent:
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Millicent First Name Personality Popularity - See the popularity of the girl's name millicent over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in babycenter's baby names tool.
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Millicent Meaning Of Millicent What Does Millicent Mean - According to numerology, venus is the ruling planet for millicent.
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Millicent Meaning Youtube - The meaning of the female name millicent yet.
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New Vintage Girl Names Substitutes For Abigail Appellation Mountain - It means that this name is the name millicent has nine characters.
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Millicent Name Meaning Origin Of Millicent Name In The Bible Torah Quran Analysis - Meaning of the name millicent.
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Millie Baby Girl S Name Meaning Origin And Popularity - Millicent is a french name for girls.
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Millicent All Things Baby Names - The name millicent has several options:
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Kirabelle Name Meaning Origin Popularity And More - Combining the mild and the innocent, this sweet and feminine name is worthy of a comeback, in the mode of madeline.